Jeanne Martin 434-984-3111


Neurofeedback is direct training of the brain to learn to function with greater control and stability.  We observe the brain in action from moment to moment, and show that information back to the client.  The brain is rewarded for changing its own activity to more appropriate patterns.  It is a gradual learning process, and applies to any aspect of brain function that can be measured.  Neurofeedback is also called EEG biofeedback because it is based on eletrical brain activity, or EEG.

Neurofeedback addresses problems of brain disregulation.  Disregulation includes the anxiety-depression spectrum, attention deficits, behavior disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches and migrains, chronic pain, PMS, and emotional disturbances.  It is also useful for organic brain conditions such as seizures, the autism spectrum, and cerebral palsy.  Although neurofeedback in not a “cure” for these conditions, it can help the brain function better.  Training the brain for self-regulation enhances the function of the central nervous system and thereby improves mental performance, emotional control and physiological stability.  Individuals of any age can benefit from EEG training.  Neurofeedback can help a variety of childhood problems  including bedwetting, nightmares and disturbing behaviors.  It can assist adolescents who struggle with anxiety and dpression or drug and alcohol use.  For adults, Neurofeedback can help alleviate symptoms of physical and emotional problems such as migraines or PTSD.  Neurofeedback can help anyone maintain good brain function as they age.

I have added a new brain training modality called pirHEG.  A brief explanation is that there is a continual balancing act between the inhibiting/management activities of the prefrontal cortex and the more pure (limbic) emotional response.  When stressed or in distress or sensing danger, the prefrontal cortex is supposed to shut down, allowing our emergency response systems to kick in rapidly.

However, if this stress or “alarm system on” becomes chronic, the prefrontal cortex goes into “sleep mode”.  Under these conditional, global brain management is handed over to the emergency systems which only do a good job during emergencies.  What this leaves is a brain that responds too quickly or too strongly to stimuli that are not very important.  That covers about 50% of the kinds of problems people typically want to change.  We live in a stimulus intensive, highly reactive world, and tend of react to environmental demands more than we initiate.  Therefore, we tend to run around with a minimally functional prefrontal cortex all the time.

HEG is just an easy way to turn the prefrontal cortex back on. Most clients like this “on” feeling better than when it is turned off.  It gives them a smoother management system over the other brain modules.  It also quiety anxiety better than relaxation training because the anxiety is more or less forced to quiet down, rather than just reduced